martes, 23 de octubre de 2007


1. Location and Geographical Features.
2. It's climate, animals and agricultural products.
3. It's language.
4. It's customs.
5. Conclusion.

Greece is located at south east of Europe. His oficial name is Helenic Republic, it has many islands and many mountains. The most important mountain in greece is the Olimpo with 2917 metters and it was considered the home of gods.
Climate in greece is characterised by two seasons hot summers and rainny winters. In addition it has a great variety of animals and agricultural products, for example, the main animals are the fox, the stork and the pelican. And, the main agricultural products are orange, cotton and tobaco.
On the other hand, the oficial language is the greek but, it has a variety "the dmotike" it's used by the goverment and at universities. Also, the education in greece don't have cost and is mandatory between 6 to 14 years.
In greece when people goes at a restaurant, they can choose the menu in hte kitchen. The tipical food are sea food and mediterranean food, for example, a tipical food is the Kebabs, it has rice with chiken, eggs and juice of lemon. other customs are the chritmast and new year celebration.
All in all, greece is a exotic country and have many things very interesting for know. When you travel to greece you will have a variety plan.

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